Inheritance Question

Q: The mayyit leaves behind 3 daughters 2 grand daughters (sons daughters) one haqeeqi brother 2 haqeeqi sisters and one akhyaafi sister. Who will inherit and how much would they inherit?

A: After deducting the burial expenses, debts and one third of the estate for bequests, the estate will be divided into thirty six (36) shares and will be distributed as follows: 

Each daughters will receive 8 shares

The brother will receive 6 shares

Each haqeeqi sister will receive 3 shares

In this case the two grand daughters and the one akhyaafi sister will not receive any share from the estate.

NB: The above Shar'ee distribution of inheritance is based on the information provided regarding the total number of heirs of the deceased present. 


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
