Waswasa problem

Q: I would like to know that previously I used to drink alcohol like it has been a year or so. I have repented for my sins and asked for forgiveness as I was misled. During that time I used makeup also after consuming alcohol. Like I would drink and apply lipstick. This thought didn't creep into me until lately that I might have transferred impurity on the stick. As my mouth was impure and whenever I have used it I have spread impurity. Apart from that I have used make up sponges and powder on that and pieces of those sponges has fallen in my drawer and purse. I'm in a complicated situation. I don't know what to clean and what not. The sponge used on the lipstick may have contaminated my other makeup. I have even prayed and fasted using all that.

1. We're my prayers and fasts invalid?

2. How do I clean up everything as I can't remember and have touched a lot of things after using or touching the sponge and other makeup. Pieces of the sponge were in my drawer and purse are they impure? How can I clean all the bags.

3. I was cleaning the drawer and same makeup fell on the floor. I don't know whether it was lipstick or something else. I accidently stepped on it and I could see traces of the red colour wherever I have walked in the house. Wherever I could see I cleaned the area with a wet and dry tissue. Please tell me if my house is impure and I can pray or not.

Please I have repented now. Why are these thoughts haunting me. Every day I get a new thought that I did this in the past and that and maybe I didn't clean properly making my life and religion very difficult this purity and impurity has really affected my life and I feel no matter what I do I am not pure enough.

A: Only once you are certain and sure that something is impure, then you should consider it as napaak.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)