Seeing a dream after making Istikhara

Q: I have undertaken istikhara for myself in relation to a marriage proposal and assisting the same person financially. Until around night 7 or 8 (apologies I can't remember which) I had no feeling or sign one way or the other. On one of these 2 nights, I had a dream. This dream was not a good one. It involved violence being committed by one man to another and even what appeared to be torture. One of the men was gagged and hands were tied behind his back. He appeared to have injuries on his face. I felt there was perhaps an element of sexual violence also but this is a feeling o got, I didn't see this in my dream. The man who was being harmed was pleading for the other man to stop and referred to him by name 'Ali'. I did not recognise either man in my dream nor are they familiar to me. And as far as I am aware neither man is the one who has proposed marriage and seeking financial assistance. 

I am not at all sure how to interpret this dream and whether it is significant in relation the istikhara I have undertaken. Can you please guide and advise me?

A: If you are unsure as to whether you should accept the proposal, then continue making istikhaara. Insha Allah, Allah Ta'aala will guide you to making the correct decision.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada