Doubts regarding urine drops

Q: I have a problem with my bladder. The bladder keeps leaking urine into my private organ. It doesn't come out unless I touch my private organ or if something else touches it like tissue or my underpants. At the moment when I go to the toilet to urinate, I take off the tissue that is around my private organ and throw it away down the toilet then I urinate then I wait a few minutes then I squeeze my private organ a few times then I get some tissue and wipe the tip of my private organ to get rid of any wetness then I wash my private organ a few times then I wait a few minutes for my private organ to dry then I wrap tissue round it then I do wudhu and pray namaz. After I wash my private organ when I'm still sitting on the toilet seat or when I'm getting up or when I'm washing my back impurity then what if my private organ touches the toilet seat or the inner sides of my legs, I don't know if something will come out probably. I just want to know if what I'm doing is right and will my namaz count, if not then what shall I do.

A: Do not unnecessarily entertain doubts.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)