Rights of parents

Q: Pertaining to Huququl Walidain (Rights of Parents). Inspite of our best and sincere efforts we are unable to fulfil the rights due to our parents. Thoughts do develop in our minds and hearts whether we have missed to fulfil the obligations due yo our parents and these thoughts create a feeling of guilt and an unease feeling in our hearts which really trouble us a lot sometimes. The question is what is the reality of these thoughts and how we could still discharge the rights of our parents who have passed away?

A: Make du`aa for them and if you can then visit their graves, fulfil their dues, take good care of their friends and families. Do some works of charity on their behalf and make du`aa and recite some Qur'aan on their behalf.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)