Hitting children

Q: I wanted to know that in which case hitting you own child or ustaad hitting a student becomes permissible? Lets say an ustaad has a student and if that student misbehaves or does an action which is total disrespect or doesn't follow ustaads instructions despite that ustaad keeps advising him apprehending and admonishing him (ustaad knows he has won the child's heart already and ustaad knows if he hits the student then the student will take that hiding in a positive way he is a student that wont have an aversion for deen after he gives it to him) he doesn't come right and then the ustaad feels the only solution in his case will be hitting him with justice so now will hitting him be allowed and permissible?

A: In the present condition, it is advisable not to hit at all.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
