Nikaah via text messages

Q: I have done a nikkah on message with my fiance without the presence of any witness but i took the snapshots of those messages as a proof but later after 8 months due to some misunderstandings i gave a tallaq to her later one more time i said "i end this relation right now in my full senses"(i didn't used the word tallaq second time) and later after one month due to misunderstandings i again gave tallaq 3rd time (by using the word tallaq) all these were done on messages i have snapshots of nikkah and tallaq as well and now we both are very afraid that if that nikkah was true or was acceptable according to shariah and if it is so the tallaq that i gave her was acceptable or not please help me out if both things were right then is there any way we both could be togather again and get the nikkah done or not??

A: If there were no witnesses present at the time of the nikaah, then the nikaah was not valid. The time you both lived together was impermissible and you both should sincerely repent to Allah Ta'ala for committing this sin. Since the nikaah was not valid, all the talaaqs you issued were also not valid.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)