Husband preventing wife from taking care of her old mother

Q: What should I do when my mother is old and she has no one to look after her. My husband does not want me to take care my mother. I am the only child. My father passed away.

I told my husband that she does not have anyone to go to but he ruined her visa application so she cannot stay with me. I am sad to see her in pain but I don't know what to do? If I take her side then my husband blames baseless things in her.

What do I do in such a situation? He's not supporting me in this. He's also not a religious man and he does not pray at all. He does not follow Islam. There no family members that can step in and stop him. 

A: You may go and stay with her. The best will be to do so after taking permission from your husband.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)