Food and Drink

Eating fruits with larvae

Q: Sometimes when we open plums (fruits), there are larvae. Is it permissible to eat these plums if we remove the larvae? Sometimes the larvae has left small balls of feces which are stuck to the plum and difficult to remove. Do we have to throw away these plums?


Q: If I make a close relative food and it is a plateful of food surpassing what they require, will I be sinful if they eat more than their fill? Because I feel that they would rebuke me for giving them less, but I have already explained to them about overeating. What shall I do?


Q: Is it permissible to consume shellac which is typically being used as a glazing agent in sweets and chocolates?



1. Is calamari makrooh or haraam in the Hanafi madhab?

2. If food has been touched or contaminated by calamari, will that make the food makrooh or haraam?

3. Also, if one has to eat calamari will he be sinful?