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Not sharing one's items with roommates
Not shaving the armpits and pubic hair for more than 40 days
Not sitting in the sunnah posture during salaah due to experiencing pain in one's toe
Not slaughtering an animal purchased for Qurbaani
Not stating an oath verbally oath, verbally
Not stopping to help at an accident scene accident, advice, feel
Not sure how many sajda tilaawat one missed
Not sure if one is baaligh baaligh, mazi
Not sure if one is napaak
Not sure when impurity came on clothing
Not sure whether one had taken an oath doubts, oath
Not taking Allah's name before making wudhu
Not taking Allah's name intentionally while slaughtering
Not taking water in the nose in wudhu and ghusal due to illness
Not talking to someone
Not using one's real name online name, online
Not waking up for fajr Salaah
Not washing one's hair for ghusal due to health reasons
Not washing one's hands when waking up
Not washing the face in wudhu due to an eye operation
Not washing the wounded area in ghusal ghusal, wound
Not wishing to listen to the Quraan before an exam exams, listening to qur'an, mind
Not wishing to take one's share of the inheritance
Nothing is equal to Allah Ta'ala allah ta'ala, aqaaid, height
Notice period to resign from a company
Noticing a hole in one's clothing after performing many Salaah hole, pants, salaah
Noticing Mazi After Performing Salaah
Nouman Ali Khan Nouman Ali Khan
Novated Lease
Novels of kahaaniya parhna novels, urdu
Nubuwwat of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
Nude arts class nude art
Nude picture dekhna
Number of pebbles used for pelting
Number of rakaats in Taraweeh
Number of rakaats in Taraweeh salaah
Number of sajdahs to make if a person read an aayat of sajdah in Arabic and English
Number of shares in a Qurbaani animal
Number of witnesses required for the nikaah to be valid
Number To Be Recited After Fardh Salaah
Nurse accidentally injecting sperm into a woman abortion, nurse, sperm injection
Nurse paying blood money for a patient that passed away
Nursery Rhymes nursery rhymes
Nutmeg food, nutmeg
Nuwairul haq naam rakhna names, urdu
Oath no longer remaining after giving kaffarah
Oath of a minor
Obedience to Allah Ta'ala supersedes obedience to others
Obedience to parents
Obedience to parents pleasing one's parents, respect for parents
