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Title Tags
Passing on the sawaab of a fast to the deceased
Passing remarks about people on chat groups
Passing remarks and hinting at people
Passing the meeqaat with the intention of performing umrah without tying ihraam
Passing the meeqaat without ihraam
Passing the meeqat without entering into ihraam
Passing the meeqat without wearing ihraam
Passing the miqaat without ihraam
Passing the miqaat without ihraam
Passing through customs in a dream
Passing through the Hateem whilst making Tawaaf
Passing urine before ghusal
Passing wind
Passing wind doubts, impurity, passing wind, waswasas
Passing wind after having made one Salaam in Salaah
Passing wind from the front private part passing wind, private part, wudhu
Passing wind in the musjid
Passing wind in the Musjid
Passing Wind Whilst Making Wudhu
Passport photos
Passport Photos passport photos
Patenting an idea or design
Patience during difficult times
Patla honay ke liay wazifa
Pattern mehndi mehndi
Patti ke oopar masah karna
Pause signs in the Qur'an
Pausing after each aayat in salaah
Pausing after every Ayah of Surah Faatiha
Pausing after the first aayat of Surah Kahf
Pausing before going into ruku after qiraat
Pausing between both Salaams
Pausing for long after Surah Faatihah
Pausing in between both salaams
Pausing in Salaah due to a cough
Paying a charted accountant interest money accountant, income tax, interest money
Paying a child's school fees with zakaat school fees, zakaat
Paying a child's school fees with zakaat money without informing the child or the parents
Paying a commission to someone to arrange more customers
Paying a debt in a different currency
Paying a fee to get a passport
Paying a fee to receive a discount
Paying a fee to view an animal
Paying a fixed monthly fee for a credit card facility
Paying a fixed rate for electricity
Paying a higher amount of school fees when paying in instalments installments, school fees
Paying a late registration penalty fee
Paying a monthly levy that includes insurance
Paying a penalty if one delays in paying an instalment and Takaful insurance when purchasing a car
Paying a percentage of the bill as wages for the waiter
