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Taking out and selling cellphone contracts
Taking out ID and passport photos
Taking out insurance to get RMI accreditation
Taking out interest bearing student loans giving interest and taking interest, student loan
Taking out life Insurance in a foreign country business, europe, life insurance, non-muslim country
Taking out life insurance solely to pay the estate duty upon one's demise
Taking out life insurance to save tax life insurance, taxes
Taking out life insurance to save tax
Taking out life policies to pay estate taxes with the payouts
Taking out life policy to pay for estate duty business, estate duty, interest, life insurance
Taking out mandatory covid insurance
Taking out medical insurance to do a liver transplant
Taking out Passport photos passport photos
Taking out third party insurance to get accredited to repair vehicles
Taking parents permission before going out with one's wife
Taking part in a 'haldi ceremony'
Taking part in a flea market where the proceeds go to a church flea market
Taking passport pictures for tableegh
Taking people for collection and charging a fee
Taking percentage based commission
Taking permission from a girl to get her married
Taking permission from one's father over the phone to get married
Taking permission from one's mother and wife before undertaking a journey
Taking permission from the first wife to take a second wife
Taking permission to get married to a second wife
Taking permission to perform qurbani on behalf of a poor baaligh person
Taking photographs
Taking photographs of people while doing charity work organisations, photos
Taking photos of babies babies, photos, pictures
Taking pictures picture making, pictures of animate objects
Taking pictures of animals
Taking pictures of animate objects picture making, pictures of animate objects
Taking pictures of animate objects
Taking pictures of charity work
Taking pictures of children without their faces face, picture making
Taking pictures of food
Taking pictures of lightning
Taking pictures of one's child for memories of precious moments
Taking pictures of oneself and not showing it to anyone
Taking pictures of oneself while covering one's face covering the head, face, picture making
Taking pictures of the deceased and sharing it with family who cannot attend deceased, family, janaazah, pictures
Taking pictures of women in hijaab to promote hijaab
Taking pictures to treat breast cancer
Taking Pills to Avoid One's Period During Ramadhaan
Taking pills to stop one's period when performing Hajj
Taking pleasure from one's wife while she is asleep
Taking pleasure from one's wife's body body, breast, chest, intimacy, nikaah, private part
Taking possession of an item before payment
Taking possession of an item before selling it
Taking possession of the gift
