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Taking money to teach Quraan quraan, salary, teaching, wages
Taking natural medicines to get rid of white hair
Taking new water each time when washing each limb in wudhu
Taking oaths on someone besides Allah Ta'ala
Taking oaths that one will become a kafir if something is done
Taking oaths unnecessarily
Taking oaths unnecessarily
Taking olive oil orally
Taking one's brother's share of the estate
Taking one's daughter to the Musjid daughter, musjid
Taking one's employer to the CCMA
Taking one's life due to mental illness
Taking one's mother and father in-law for Umrah
Taking one's mother and sister on family outings
Taking one's mother's surname after parents get divorced
Taking one's na baaligh nephew and niece overseas
Taking one's naffs as one's ilaah
Taking one's parents for hajj debt, father, hajj
Taking one's salary in advance and paying interest advance, business, interest, loan, salary
Taking one's sister in-law for hajj hajj, mahrams, sister in-law, those people with whom nikaah is permissible
Taking one's step mother in law for hajj/umrah
Taking one's wife back after a talaaq-e-baain new nikaah, revoking talaaq, talaaq, talaaq-e-baain
Taking one's wife back after issuing an irrevocable talaaq
Taking one's wife back after issuing one Talaaq
Taking one's wife back during the iddah of khula
Taking one's wife back whilst she is in iddat
Taking one's work break in Salaah time
Taking orders for someone to sew clothes
Taking out a funeral cover funeral cover
Taking out a mobile contract
Taking out a mortgage loan business, loan, mortgage
Taking out a mortgage to purchase a home
Taking out a student loan
Taking out an insurance policy business, education, insurance
Taking out an interest bearing loan business, interest, loan
Taking out and selling cellphone contracts
Taking out ID and passport photos
Taking out insurance to get RMI accreditation
Taking out interest bearing student loans giving interest and taking interest, student loan
Taking out life Insurance in a foreign country business, europe, life insurance, non-muslim country
Taking out life insurance solely to pay the estate duty upon one's demise
Taking out life insurance to save tax life insurance, taxes
Taking out life insurance to save tax
Taking out life policies to pay estate taxes with the payouts
Taking out life policy to pay for estate duty business, estate duty, interest, life insurance
Taking out mandatory covid insurance
Taking out medical insurance to do a liver transplant
Taking out Passport photos passport photos
Taking out third party insurance to get accredited to repair vehicles
Taking parents permission before going out with one's wife
