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Taking guidance from the Ulama
Taking hair loss medication that causes impotence
Taking help from someone when making wudhu taking help, wudhu
Taking herbs as medication
Taking hotel food to one's room and sharing it with others buffet, food, hotel
Taking hotel food to the room
Taking husbands assets after a divorce husband's property after divorce, talaaq
Taking husbands wealth without his permission husband's money, permission
Taking ID and passport photos
Taking inspiration from the statements of fussaq and kuffaar hadith, kuffaar, statements
Taking Insulin Injection While Fasting
Taking Insulin while Fasting
Taking interest bearing loans business, giving interest and taking interest, loans
Taking interest free loans business, loans
Taking interest money business, company, interest
Taking items for personal use from sponsorships laptop, organisations, personal use, sponsor
Taking kitaabs from a distribution box books, distribution box
Taking leave from work employment, leave, sick leave, speaking lies
Taking leave from work to fulfill one's needs with one's wife
Taking less than the agreed upon price
Taking loans on interest in India
Taking long to make ghusal
Taking medication orally while fasting
Taking medication that contains alcohol alcohol, medication
Taking medication that contains alcohol
Taking medication that contains haraam
Taking medicine that contains alcohol
Taking money from a non Muslim government
Taking money from fairies
Taking money from one's father to open a business
Taking money from one's father's shop to pay fees
Taking money from one's husband without his permission
Taking money from one's wife without her permission
Taking money from someone while working for the government
Taking money from someone whose father is employed in a bank
Taking money that was kept by someone as amaanat unjustly
Taking money to teach Quraan quraan, salary, teaching, wages
Taking natural medicines to get rid of white hair
Taking new water each time when washing each limb in wudhu
Taking oaths on someone besides Allah Ta'ala
Taking oaths that one will become a kafir if something is done
Taking oaths unnecessarily
Taking oaths unnecessarily
Taking olive oil orally
Taking one's brother's share of the estate
Taking one's daughter to the Musjid daughter, musjid
Taking one's employer to the CCMA
Taking one's life due to mental illness
Taking one's mother and father in-law for Umrah
Taking one's mother and sister on family outings
