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Selling chickens by weight
Selling cigarettes
Selling cigarettes
Selling cigarettes
Selling clothing made from pig skin business, pig skin
Selling clothing made from pigskin
Selling coffins
Selling coloured contact lenses
Selling computer training videos
Selling Computers
Selling condoms and tobacco business, condoms, tobacco
Selling cosmetics business, cosmetics
Selling cosmetics
Selling creams and lotions which contain alcohol
Selling currencies on credit
Selling currency at a higher rate
Selling dogs business, dog, sell
Selling dogs
Selling dolls, toys, stickers and pictures of animals, etc. business, carrom board, dolls, snake and ladders, stickers
Selling DVD players and TV screens online without taking possession of the item
Selling easter eggs business, easter, easter eggs
Selling easter items
Selling ebooks
Selling ebooks on Amazon
Selling educational toys with pictures of animate objects
Selling electricity from a vending machine
Selling electronic cigarettes electronic cigarettes
Selling empty wine bottles bottle, business, sell, wine
Selling expired goods business, expired goods
Selling fake designer glasses frames
Selling firecrackers firecrackers
Selling fireworks business, firecrackers, sell
Selling fireworks to non-Muslims for new years
Selling food from home
Selling gems and precious stones gems, precious stones, sell
Selling glue to someone who is sniffing it
Selling gold online business, gold, online, sell
Selling gold plated jewellery
Selling goods on a commission basis
Selling half niqaabs
Selling haraam chocolate
Selling haraam meat business, haraam meat
Selling haraam meat business, haraam meat
Selling haraam meat to non-Muslims business, carrion, haraam meat, non-Muslim, selling meat
Selling health and beauty products beauty products, employment
Selling health books that contain pictures of animate objects books, business, ebook, pictures of animate objects
Selling Hooka tabacco
Selling Hot Cross Buns
Selling human hair
Selling insurance policies
