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Performing Salaah with lipstick or perfume
Performing salaah with lizard's faeces on the floor
Performing Salaah with make-up
Performing Salaah with money in one's wallet
Performing salaah with najaasat on one's clothing
Performing salaah with offensive odours on one's body and clothing
Performing salaah with oil on one's private part
Performing Salaah with one's eyes closed eyes, salaah, sunnats of salaah
Performing salaah with one's eyes opened salaah, sunnats of salaah
Performing salaah with one's pants below the ankles ankles, makrooh, salaah
Performing salaah with one's scarf hanging
Performing salaah with one's t-shirt tucked into one's pants
Performing Salaah with paak (clean) clothes
Performing Salaah with perfume
Performing salaah with perfume
Performing Salaah with perfume or deodorant
Performing salaah with pus stuck on one's clothes or body
Performing Salaah with shoes
Performing Salaah with shoes salaah, shoes
Performing Salaah with short sleeve kurta
Performing Salaah with short sleeves
Performing Salaah with short sleeves or a T-Shirt
Performing salaah with social distancing
Performing Salaah with spray on one's nail porous, spray, wudhu
Performing Salaah with takbeer-e-ula jamaat salaah, salaah, takbeer-e-ula
Performing Salaah with the smell of diesel on one's hands diesel, mechanic, smell, wudhu
Performing salaah with the urge of relieving oneself
Performing salaah with the urge to relieve oneself
Performing salaah with tights or skinny jeans
Performing salaah with wudhu not knowing ghusal is also a requirement
Performing Salaah without a beard beard, salaah
Performing salaah without a kurta
Performing salaah without a topee
Performing salaah without a topi
Performing Salaah without a topi, wearing short sleeves or without a kurta
Performing salaah without ghusal ghusal, salaah, salaah time, wudhu
Performing Salaah without moving the lips
Performing salaah without performing ghusal ghusal, salaah, tahaarat, wudhu
Performing Salaatul ihraam in the airport and making the intention of ihraam before approaching the Meeqaat aeroplane, airport, ihraam, intention, salaah, umrah
Performing Salaatul Istisqaa till the third day istisqaa, salaah
Performing Salaatul Tasbeeh in two rakaats salaatut-tasbeeh
Performing Salaatush Shukr
Performing salaatut tasbeeh as kaffaarah for breaking an oath
Performing Salaatut Tasbeeh in sets of two rakaats
Performing salah in a room in which a child is changing
Performing Salalatud Dhuha in four rakaats
Performing salat-ul-tasbeeh and conveying the reward to the deceased
Performing Shabeenah in Jamaat
Performing shukar salaah few times a day
Performing Sunnat Muakkadah at home
