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Postponing marriage due to health issues
Postponing Salaah Due to Fear of Haidh Continuing
Postures of Salaah for women
Pouring urine over a rash
Pouring water on the graves
Pouring water over a sandy floor to purify it
Pouring water over urine drops urine drops
Ppne Deen owr apne ma taht waalo ke Deen ki hafaazat karna dream, protecting one's deen, subordinates, urdu
Practically demonstrating the postures of salaah during haidh
Practice of keeping the hair of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and reciting salaat and salaam
Practice of the Shias
Practicing homeopathy
Practicing Qigong qigong, spiritual exercises
Practising azl and the use of contraceptives
Practising black magic black magic
Practising black magic
Practising Deen entirely from the time one accepts Islam
Practising equality when taking another wife equality between wives, nikaah
Practising Islam secretly accepting islam, secret
Practising martial arts which resemble shirk
Practising on "weak" ahaadeeth
Practising on an amal
Practising upon the Qur'an and the Sunnah
Practising yoga, reiki, Tai-chi
Praising a non-Muslim
Praising Allah Ta'ala and Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
Praising Allah Ta'ala in another language
Praising Mandela
Praising one's self to boost self-esteem
Prawns prawns
Prawns prawns
Prawns and crayfish
Prawns, crab and octopus crab, octopus, prawns
Prawns, crayfish, lobster, etc
Praying in a room without light
Praying only in front of people to avoid being mocked at
Praying when one has an urge to urinate
Pre marital relationship
Pre planned halalah
Pre school children being made to wear a graduation cap and robe on their awards day
Pre-marital contact
Prearranged halaala halaala
Predictions of astrologers astrologers, love
Preferable method of sleeping method, sleeping, sunnah method
Pregnancy ke doran humbistari karna
Pregnancy ke shuroo me halka khoon dekhna
Pregnancy ko khatam karna
Pregnant and breastfeeding mother breaking her fast
