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Title Tags
Receiving a fixed profit from one's mobile account
Receiving a fixed profit in an investment
Receiving a gift for taking part in research
Receiving a gift from someone who works in a bank
Receiving a gift of clothing which has a dinosaur picture printed all over it
Receiving a gift on Diwali from one's Hindu neighbour business, diwali, gift, plate
Receiving a gift voucher from a shop on one's birthday
Receiving a gift when being paid back a loan
Receiving a good proposal nikaah, proposal
Receiving a prize for reciting Quraan
Receiving a prize in a lucky draw from a bank
Receiving a profit share from a FNB savings pocket account
Receiving a proposal from a boy who does not want the girl to wear hijaab hijaab, proposal
Receiving a refund of fees after one's child passes away
Receiving an Easter Egg easter eggs
Receiving cash back or discounts when purchasing with a credit card
Receiving commission on the sale
Receiving criticism from family due to wearing the purdah advice, criticism of people, purda
Receiving discount if instalments are paid prior to the due date
Receiving extra money from the company one worked for
Receiving food from a gyaarwi shareef celebration celebration, food, gyaarwi shareef
Receiving food from a person who deals in interest money
Receiving free travel insurance when paying for plane tickets with a credit card
Receiving gifts from a non mahram
Receiving gifts from an accountant of a company that deals in alcohol
Receiving haraam money as payment for a loan
Receiving interest money
Receiving interest on a loan business, interest money, loan
Receiving interest on shares of a company one inherited
Receiving items of inheritance as a gift from the heirs of one's friend
Receiving mahr in the form of property
Receiving money and gifts after completing hifz
Receiving money in a dream
Receiving porn on whatsapp porn, whatsapp
Receiving punishment before entering Jannah if one did not make taubah
Receiving rental from a house that was purchased with haraam money business, grandparents, haraam money, lottery, property, purchase, rental
Receiving reward for esaal-e-sawaab esaal-e-sawaab, reward
Receiving somebody else's Zamzam at the airport
Receiving the normal price of an item when returning an item instead of the discounted price
Receiving the reward of jamaat salaah imaam, jamaat salaah, non-baaligh
Receiving the rewards for fasting on virtuous days
Receiving the rewards of reciting Quraan if one cannot recite with tajweed
Receiving the rewards of reciting the daily surahs when recited in nafl salaah
Receiving visitors while one is in iddat iddat, visitors
Receiving wealth before one’s zakaat date
Receiving zakaat if one does not have zakaat nisaab
Recipe for a successful business
Recipients of fidyah
Recipients of zakaat
Recipients of zakaat recipients of zakaat, zakaat
