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Reciting behind the Imaam qiraat, reciting behind the imaam
Reciting behind the Imaam reciting behind the imaam, salaah
Reciting behind the Imaam
Reciting Bismillah after Surah Fatiha mistakenly
Reciting Bismillah before commencing any action
Reciting Bismillah before commencing wudhu
Reciting Bismillah before Dua-e-Qunoot
Reciting bismillah before ghusl
Reciting bismillah before offering Durood bismillah, durood
Reciting Bismillah before Surah Faatiha in Salaah
Reciting Bismillah in a bathroom with a toilet
Reciting Bismillah in Salaah
Reciting bismillah once when reciting one surah multiple times
Reciting bismillah or a surah in the third rakaat of a fardh salaah
Reciting Bismillah when starting qiraat in the middle of a surah
Reciting certain Surahs of the Qur'an for certain benefits
Reciting different qiraats in Salaah
Reciting dua for unity to restore friendship
Reciting dua-e-qunoot as a dua
Reciting dua-e-qunoot loudly qunoot, salaah
Reciting duas and making zikr during haidh
Reciting duas and Quraan in a bathroom without a toilet bathroom, dua, quraan, toilet
Reciting duas and Quraan in the state of haidh
Reciting duas in a combined toilet/bathroom bathroom, dua, toilet
Reciting duas in jalsah and qaumah of salaah
Reciting duas in nafl salaah dua, nafil salaah, sajda, tashahhud
Reciting duas in salaah with tajweed
Reciting duas in the bathroom bathroom, dua, toilet, wudhu
Reciting duas while walking, lying down, etc
Reciting duas with tajweed
Reciting duas with tajweed
Reciting Durood a Thousand Times
Reciting Durood after Dua-e-Qunoot
Reciting durood after tashahhud
Reciting durood after the first tashahhud
Reciting Durood and Kalimas in the state of janaabat
Reciting Durood before and after masnoon Duas
Reciting Durood before giving Azaan
Reciting Durood daily
Reciting Durood during the Friday khutbah durood, jumuah, khutba
Reciting Durood e Tunjeena for problems
Reciting durood in a dream dream, durood shareef
Reciting durood in a dream dream
Reciting Durood in salaah after tashahhud
Reciting Durood in the state of janaabat durood shareef, janaabat
Reciting Durood Shareef daily dream, durood shareef, following the sunnah
Reciting Durood Shareef in one sitting or splitting it throughout the day
Reciting Durood Shareef while standing, walking and lying down durood shareef, lying down, standing, walking
Reciting durood when hearing the blessed name of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) durood, nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), qur'an, salaah
Reciting durood while making wudhu
