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Title Tags
Spitting in public
Spitting in the direction of the Qiblah
Spitting in the direction of the qiblah
Spitting in the Musjid
Splash backs when using the high pan toilet
Splashes from western toilets on one's shoes
Splashes on one's clothing
Splashes when washing one's hands istinja, splashes
Splendour on one's face on account of performing salaah
Split ends cutting hair for women, hair, split ends
Splitting the sunnats before zuhr salaah
Sponsored for Hajj despite owing a huge amount
Sponsored for hajj while one is in debts debts, hajj, sponsor
Sponsoring a student with zakaat money
Sponsoring an orphan whose mother is a Hindu
Sports betting
Sports in Islam
Spots on one's underwear
Spotting a day after haidh ends haidh, spotting
Spotting after abortion
Spotting after forty days from the time of birth
Spotting after haidh haidh, spotting
Spotting after haidh haidh, maximum, spotting
Spotting after intimacy ghusal, sexual relations, spotting
Spotting after nifaas
Spotting after the haidh period
Spotting after the haidh period
Spotting before the 15th day of tuhr
Spotting during pregnancy
Spotting During Ramadhaan
Spotting during tuhr period
Spotting in the haidh period
Spotting towards the end of haidh
Spouse Relationship
Spouses bathing together
Spouses being naked in front of each other naked, spouse
Spouses consummating their marriage without having to live with each other permanently
Spouses covering themselves at the time of intercourse
Spouses discharging each others Zakaat
Spouses excreting on each other during sexual relations disgusting, filthy, sexual relations
Spouses getting intimate after nikaah before rukhsati
Spouses having a separate entrance to their section of the house
Spouses having intercourse without clothes
Spouses having relations after haidh ends
Spouses living separate but not divorced
Spouses looking at each others private parts
Spouses looking at each others private parts
Spouses maintaining total transparency nikaah, password, social networks, transparency
Spouses missing Salaah due to having intimacy forgoing salaah, intimacy, salaah, sexual relations
Spouses not getting along or spending time together
