Zakaat on an empty land

Q: We are three brothers living in one house but due to some clashes a few years back, two of us decided to move out of that house. We bought some land quickly with the intention of building a house on it. But then things settled down with our third brother and now all three of us are living in the same old house.

For the land that we two brothers bought, we have no immediate plan to build a house and it is there just in case one of us loses his job so he may start a business after selling that land.

Do I have to pay to zakaat on that land as I bought it with the intention of building a house but right now we might sell it in the future if anyone’s financial situation becomes tight?

Paying zakaat on behalf of one's wife

Q: I gave around 120 grams of gold when I got married to my wife as mahr 5 years back. She wears it 4-5 times a year at weddings. She is a house wife with no income to pay zakaat so I am paying zakaat on her behalf. My questions are:

1. If gold is given as mahr, do we have to pay zakaat over it?

2. As I pay zakaat on her assets due to her having no income, if my wife decides to sell her jewellery, can I ask her to return the amount I paid as her zakaat over the years? 

Referring to Allah Ta'ala by saying bhagwaan

Q: One day I said Allah apke pese dilade… bhagwan apke pese dilade…

Although bhagwan is the word that Hindu's use for their God, but I said it just like that and to show Hindus that Muslims are not extremists and for brotherhood and soldiarity with them as banks ran out of money and collapased.

What is the ruling regarding it? Did I do something wrong and is it kufr? My intention was never to say bhagwan means Allah

Carrying out a credit transaction without the presence of witnesses

Q: I am in business of steel and rubber trade in which I used to give material on credit without any witnesses. Recently I heard a speech of a scholar that Allah will not hear your prayers if you had given credit without any witness.

Is there any remedy to my situation and also does the material on credit and money givien on credit come under the same ruling?

Secret nikaah

Q: I have a boyfriend and we are in a relationship and he is not socially setteld yet so his parents are not willing for nikkah now but we want a nikkah because without it we are making sins and it is haram. We want to make our relationship halal so till he will not be settled properly we want nikkah to avoid a great sins. Can we do a secret nikkah ??

Instilling love for the Quraan in the heart of one's child

Q: My husband and I have been blessed with a baby alhamdulillah. We would like the baby to have finished memorising the Quraan by an early age if Allah wills.

What steps can we take to ensure that the child can begin learning and memorising from an early age? What brain foods would also be good for the child and mother as I’m nursing currently.