Drinking luwak coffee
Q: I am wondering if coffee Luwak is halaal. It is from a civet animal that eats it & then cleaned & roasted.
Q: I am wondering if coffee Luwak is halaal. It is from a civet animal that eats it & then cleaned & roasted.
Q: Is standing and eating fruit a Sunnah?
I know that standing and drinking Zamzam is a Sunnah... However it was mentioned to me by someone that it's sunaah to stand and eat fruit and that it is the only thing that's permissible to stand and eat. Can mufti Saheb please advise.
Q: Is it jaaiz to eat the end part of a chicken wing?
Q: If children throw food items in which Quran Aayaat was recited on. After that children they felt guilty for that act. What is the kaffara for this action?
Q: Is eating two dishes at the same time prohibited or not as some scholars said that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) didn't eat two dishes at the same time. Is it applicable to us?
Q: What is the ruling on the consumption of:
a) Lab grown meat (chicken, beef etc.)
b) Plant-based meat
c) Plant-based meat with flavours different meats/flesh (a plant-based company named Oumph! developed a burger that tastes like human flesh)
Q: I recently attended a function with my family. After returning home we discovered that one of the children pocketed some of the tea-bags from the tea table and brought them home.
What is the ruling regarding these tea-bags?
Q: I heard that keeping roti (chapati) on the dastarkhan while eating is sunnah. Is is true? While we eat spreading a cloth etc. (dastarkhan) on the ground, is it sunnah to put roti etc. on the dastarkhan and eat and not in a plate. Please let me know.
Q: Pertaining to occasions of janazah:
1. Is it necessary for the house to feed visitors everyday?
2. Is it necessary for close family members to eat together for these days?
3. Has this become a bidah as I notice this is usually done for three days exactly and if people excuse themselves others wonder why. This becomes difficult on the house people who are already coping with a loss.
4. Is it better for another house to offer to host visitors from far away to make things easier for the bereaved? Which way would be the most advisable in this regard?
With regards to new babies:
1. Is it against shariah to invite others to come and see the baby?
2. If they have already expressed their desire to visit, would it be appropriate to suggest a certain date and time?
3. Is it against the spirit of entertaining visitors that one declines visitors for a certain number of days?
With regards to Eids:
What advice can Mufti Saheb give to the ladies - our eids have become very busy and strenuous between looking after the in-laws and trying to visit their own parents.
Are we making things difficult on ourselves by trying to please everyone?
Often Eid, instead of being an occasion of happiness is only about cleaning up and seeing to everyone else. Alot of women have no time to sit and eat a meal the whole day. Is it perhaps that we are complaining for nothing as many generations before us did much more, albeit with alot of dependence on maids and also grannies and sisters in-laws all chipping in to help with children, cooking etc.
How do we inculcate the spirit of hosting in us without neglecting our compulsory duties?
Q: If you have halaal meat in the same fridge as non halaal meat in a shop. Is it against your religion or belief to buy it or can it be in the same fridge as long as it has not been opened and touched once sealed and certified halaal?