Business and Dealings

Working in a grocery store that sells haraam meat and alcohol

Q: I wonder if it is allowed to work in a grocery store. You need stock up shelves with pig and haram meat and also halal products such as bread, fruit and clothes. You need to stand at the till and scan the goods for the customers (cashier). It is approximately 90% halal goods, but also goods such as cigarettes, haram meat and alcohol may occur. I wonder if I can work in this place.

Trading gold on the forex stock market

Q: I want to know if trading gold on the forex stock market is allowed? 

From my understanding... You are buying shares of gold that is in a gold bullion (equivalent to a shop). Gold prices fluctuate so you can either buy or sell gold daily... This gives u a profit/loss and you get your money daily. To know whether gold price is going to go up or down, careful market analysis is done daily to see where the support and resistance levels on the chart are. (So it's not really a guess or gamble if you read the charts according to what you learnt). The only time the market is unpredictable is when news events are on. Then the gold price does not follow the analysis (as business is unpredictable as well). 

I've heard that in order for it to be halaal, a physical exchange has to be done. But with today's technology, no physical exchanges actually do happen. Everything gets done digitally. 

So if physical exchange is a must, then are ALL investments haraam? Like the cattle investment, cattle feeding scheme investment, property investment and shares in big companies? Please advise

Doctor charging patients for a sick note if they are not sick

Q: In a GP practice, patients come often for a sick note without being actually sick. Most will say they are tired and need a day or two off. Some practitioners charge for a sick note as a business transaction. 

Is it permissible to rather consult the patient and do a general check up (blood pressure and sugar) and give multi vitamins and then give the note or is it not permissible at all?

Trading on a crypto exchange group

Q: I have a question about a certain crypto exchange group called “mega”. Basically it’s a group that trades in a platform called “2139 exchange”. Me and my friends group joined this group because we did our research and we didn’t find anything haraam concerning it. But now I’m having some doubts. 

Basically a certain individual studies the market and predicts the direction of a certain currency and makes profits through the price fluctuations. The participants can join the trade through a futures feature and get a profit but he takes a percentage also when the participants withdraw their profits he also takes a percentage. So I want to know if it’s halaal or haraam because I heard some people saying it’s like gambling. 

Businessman preventing two people from transacting a sale on his property

Q: Could mufti advise on the following: 

Person A owns a Cash n Carry, person B and person C both are his customer's and purchase from him. At the premises of person A, person B and C meet and start transacting on person A's premises. Person A in turns tells Person B that person C is my customer and you cannot supply him. 

1. Is this type of clause permissable in shariah where person A stops person B from supplying person C as he feels it's his customer. 

2. If person B and C transacted on person A's property, is the sale valid.

Taking out mandatory travel or health insurance

Q: My husband and I were planning on taking a trip to Istanbul, Turkey. We considered it as it is a Muslim dominant location and we wouldn’t have to worry about halal food and would get to visit mosques and for how beautiful it is. However there are two issues:

1. Turkey has a mandate of a travel insurance or health insurance in order to travel to Turkey without which they do not approve of the visa. What should be done in this case? 

2. Back when covid was rampant and vaccination was being made compulsory, I have made a fake certificate. This was done because the vaccine was beeen given mandatorily without it being tested sufficiently. Many people did the same to avoid harm that could be caused due to the vaccine. Now mostly all countries do not require the vaccine certificate but they do sometimes ask for it. What should I do? I cannot get an actual vaccine because the system thinks I have had it already. Plus, post vaccination a lot of people have suffered and some say it is attributed to the vaccine and I don’t want to get vaccinated. Should I just show the fake certificate I have?