
Reward of esaal-e-thawaab distributed among the marhooms

Q: When a person reads Surah Yaseen once, he gets the reward of reading the Quraan 10 times. If for example he makes the intention of isaale-thawaab for 10 people in his family when reading the surah, will they each receive the reward of 1 Quraan each, or 10 Quraans each? As in is the reward divided amongst them or each person gets the full reward? 

So when making intentions as well for isaale-thawaab, is there a difference between saying "all the marhooms" or specifically mentioning a person's name that you want the reward to be sent to?

Building a structure on the grave

Q: Please advise: 

The Qabrs of Ambiya عليهم السلام, Awliyaa of the past رحمهم الله تعالى etc. especially overseas are built upon. Is this something permitted in other mazahib? Is this something that should be rectified? 

Someone had seen this link as well and was inquiring if this is a website that is reliable.


Asking Allah Ta'ala to take one's salaam and a message to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) or a deceased relative


1. If a person says, “Oh Allah, please take my salaam and message and esale thawaab to Nabi (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) and present it on a gold platter to him" and they proceed to say Bismillah and say Assalamualikum Ya Rasoolulah and say something like today I read this Hadith and explain and give the Hadith like a person is talking to him and then they read 3 times surah Ikhlaas and say Aameen. Is this permissible? If not, does it have any elements of shirk in it? 

2. If a person has lost a loved one and they say to Allah, can you please take my message and esale thawaab to so and so and they proceed to say Bismillah and then they give a message like they talking to the person as if the person was there and then they read 3 times surah Ikhlaas and say Aameen. Is this permissible? If not, does a person get sin for this?