
Proof of reciting prescribed azkaar by the Mashaayikh

Q: There are some specific prescribed Zikr by the Ulema and Mashaykh which are called "Wazifa". These are certain Azkaar of reading a Dua, or Ayah of Quran or the names of Allah for a specific number of times in order to achieve something. 

My question is that, do we have evidences from the Quran, Sunnah and the practice of the Salaf on practicing these prescribed Azkaar? Can you please list them in detail with references.

Expecting praises of people when wearing nice clothes

Q: A person likes to wear smart and matching clothes, e.g. kurta, jacket, socks and shoes. At the same time he desires that people should praise him because of his clothes and gets happy when people say that you are  looking very smart today. Hence when dressing he always has this in mind that I should wear nice clothes so people can praise me. How can a person remove this spiritual malady from his heart and life? 

Following one's Shaikh or a Mufti

Q: There was an argument at our home regarding the duties of a Mufti opposed to that of a Shaykh.

A person asks a reliable Mufti a mas'alah. The Mufti gives an answer.

1. Now, should this answer be presented to one's Shaykh (a non-'aalim) and ask the Shaykh whether 'amal should be made on the answer or not?

2. Assuming that a Shaykh says to make 'amal on something contrary to what the Mufti says, what should one do? Follow the Shaykh or the Mufti?