Breaking a promise

Q: If someone said "I promise I won't repeat this namaaz again or break it, Ya Allah please help me" then they repeated the namaz they didn't have any specific niyyat when saying Ya Allah but they were aware they were saying Allahs name. Do they have to give kaffarah?

Muslim child celebrating Halloween in school

Q: In school, the teacher and students celebrate Halloween. Can a Muslim child (7 years) celebrate Halloween with the teacher and other students? Can the Muslim kids just celebrate it for fun? Is it kufr to celebrate Halloween?

If the teacher gives some gift to the Muslim student, for example, some sticker to colour and a pumpkin mask for Halloween, can the kids play with it (the kids don't know about Halloween)?

Fulfilling the rights of the second wife

Q: I am a second wife and my husband hasn't lived with me since the day of our walimah. It's been almost a year that we've been married and my husband only comes to me for 2-3 hours a day. In this year, I was also pregnant but the timing of my husband remained the same. Now I want him to stay with me the exact amount of time he didn't spend with me in the last year. 

Wife calling out azaan for a newborn and other sunnats to do when a child is born

Q: My wife is expecting to deliver our baby in a few weeks through caesarean. However, due to covid restrictions, the hospital is not allowing any visitors to bring children so I am unable to leave my young kids with anyone. My question is, can I give azaan and iqaamah to the newborn after the baby comes home after 3 days or is it necessary to give it soon after birth? If I can’t manage to visit then can I give it over the phone through video call?

Also, do I need to feed the new born with dates and honey? Just to lick it?

Can you please let me know what all I need to do Islamically for my new born baby?