Reciting Surah Iklaas in every rakaat

Q: I like reciting Surah Ikhlaas, from hadith we know that if one recites Surah Ikhlaas 3 times it equivalent to recitation of one complete Quran. I wanted to know whether surah Ikhlaas could be read:

  1. In every rakath of Fardh salaat.
  2. In every rakath of Sunnath salaat.
  3. In every rakath of any nafil salaat
  4. In every rakath during taraweeh if missed with Jamath.
  5. In every rakath of Salatul Tauba, Salatul Thajjud, Witar and while offering the missed salaat.

Using the Musjid as a thoroughfare

Q: To use the Musjid as a thoroughfare is makrooh. However, some ulama say that if one needs to pass through the musjid to get to the other side, then he should stop in the musjid, make one sajdah, and then pass to the other side, because sajdah is an ibaadat-e-maqsoodah, so if a person does an ibaadat-e-maqsoodah and then goes out the other way it will be jaaiz. Is this correct? Is there any other way out to this masla? Especially in places like the haram shareef and other big musjids, it becomes difficult to walk right around the musjid.