Gifting to One's Children

Q: My aunt has just passed away. My uncle would like to sell his property and distribute the income between his 4 children.
He has 2 sons and 2 daughters: 1 of the sons has indicated that he does not want anything. The other son has not given any indication of what he wants. Both the sons have their own homes. Both daughters (both married with families) currently live with the father, and their families.

Place of I'tikaaf for Women

Q: I was reading something on one of the islamic forums on the net. They were talking about their musjid not having facilities for women’s I'tikaaf. When I mentioned that as far as I know, women are supposed to observe I'tikaaf at home, a lady replied: If a woman wishes to perform i'tikaaf, then she should do so in a masjid, so long as there is no danger in that (such as free-mixing and complacency regarding the hijaab, etc). Please explain if this is correct.

Eating Meat of Stunned Animals

Q: I read that stunning animals when slaughtering them renders the meat at least doubtful. And that meat is Haraam when doubtful. In a country where the law in principle forbids slaughter without stunning, the local Musjid and private people secretly slaughter animals without stunning. Can we buy and eat that meat as we cannot get non-stunned meat in our area otherwise?

Place of Hashr

Q: I was told that there is no proof in the Quraan that we will gather on the plains of Arafaat on Judgement day, rather that there is proof in the Quraan that we will meet on the plains of Palestine(Jeruselem). Please clarify.