Q: The people who watch pornography and also watch porn videos, is this equal to Zina?
A: This is one type of zina and hence it is haraam. The Hadith explains that the zina of the eyes is to look at the haraam. Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) mentioned in his Mubaarak Ahaadith, where sin takes place, those who were not present but desire and wish that they could have been present in that gathering and participated in the sin, then in the court of Allah Ta'ala they will be treated as though they were present in that gathering of sin. Hence the one who views these filthy scenes and takes enjoyment from it and hopes that he could have fulfilled his desires in the same way will be treated as though he was present at the time the sin took place.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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