Black magic

Q: I used to see very dreadful dreams and it's been a long time. I don't know how to get out of this nasty situation. Firstly, its been 7 months that I saw a lizard in my dreams and I get afraid and wake up on the spot. Once I saw a snake holding me tight but it did not hurt me at all and then soon it left me but I was all in sweat and worried in that dream. Once I saw that I am naked and I am trying to hide myself. I also saw my private parts in a dream and I cut it off and I saw male private part as well. Please tell me what does the dream mean? Am I safe in future? What is the indication? I used to offer prayer and I also cover my face with hijab and I have no such affair. My family is very keen about their kids and refrain from such acts. I know that I am a victim of black magic because I am having my treatment and that mufti saheb told me that there are 4 people behind you. I am a teenage girl. I don't know why these problems are coming and just because of this jaadoo kind of thing I lost my admission in professional university this year despite hard work.

A: In times of hardship and difficulty one should turn to Allah Ta'ala. Believing that black magic will spoil one's future is haraam and nothing but superstition. All conditions ultimately come from Allah Ta'ala. A believer should place his reliance and trust in Allah Ta’ala. The more a person turns to Allah Ta’ala, the more he will find happiness and an exit from all his problems. For Allah Ta’ala alone is the controller of all affairs. Turning to Allah Ta’ala means that one refrains from sins and whatever leads to the displeasure of Allah Ta’ala. Similarly one should adhere to the sunnat of Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in all aspects of life. After the five daily salaah make it a habit to recite aayatul kursi and the four Quls (i.e. Qul yaa ayyuhal kaafiroon, Qul huwallahu ahad, Qul a’oozu birabbil falaq, Qul a’oozu birabbi naas.)  Similarly before sleeping recite these surahs and blow upon your body. Commence taleem of fazaail aamaal and fazaail sadaqaat everyday in your home and take out some time everyday where you engage in collective duaa, zikr and recite durood upon Nabi (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). May Allah Ta'ala assist you and your family and bless you with happiness.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
