Snakes crawling on one's head in a dream

Q: I had a very disturbing dream were I can see two very large snakes in a transparent jar. My small daughter is holding the head of the snake to keep it away from biting, when suddenly I can see one snake is crawling up my husband's head and is on top of his head. With this fright I awoke but am still troubled with such a dream. I am aware that snakes are bad in a dream and I have been reading a lot but I need to know what is the meaning of my dream especially that snake crawls over my husband's head?

A: Don't let wealth rule your life. You be in control and see that you control your wealth and don't let it control you. You need to make decisions, let not wealth and material decide your itinerary and future.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.



Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
