Importance of Salaah and self reformation

Q: Could you be able to tell me the meaning of the following dreams. I don't remember the full dreams, only the important parts of the dreams. At the moment I don't pray 5 times, I only pray jumah.

1) In this dream I was crying and telling my sister-in-law that most beloved to Allah is salah.

2) This dream I saw myself eating outside our house then a famous imam or alim walked passed me and he said I didn't say salaam to him. Then I walked a few steps and I said to myself I should pray as much as I can or I should do my best praying namaz (salah) or something similar then I cried and woke up. I think I had tears around my eyes.

3) In this dream I saw myself picking followers from my garden, I think it was for my wedding.

A: Salaah is the most important pillar of Islam. The first thing a person will be questioned on the day of Qiyaamah will be in regard to Salaah. Severe grave warnings have been sounded in the Qur'an and Ahaadith for the one who forgoes his Salaah. Make sincere tawbah to Allah Ta'ala for missing out your Salaah in the past and commence performing Salaah immediately. Similarly it is compulsory upon you to make qadha of the past Salaahs that you have missed. Merely making tawbah will not absolve you of the obligation of performing all the passed missed salaahs. The dream refers to this that if you want success, you should make tawbah and reform your condition.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
