
Q: My father is involved in black magic against us and I am really worried about his hereafter. He is night blind too. I had four months in tableegh. With Allah's Grace following the tarteeb at masjid and home. Doing wazifas and nafals for our family. Last night prayed 6 rakats and 70 times durood tanjina made dua for afeeyat and a way out and slept I saw a dream. I saw my father going for wudhu or washing his hands. As it is a night and a dark place he is walking without any direction clueless and doing a maasah of hands till elbow without water. Than someone says to me go with your father and help him. We go to a place. It has a gate. Its like a huge square/rectangle shaped water storage. Which is full like a sea. I tell him this not normal water but special. I turn on lights of wuzu khana type place. He washes dirt from his feet or does wuzu don't remember exact. And I say some woman has stored this water. And I walk back to him. He holds my biceps like he does in real life.

A: May Allah Ta'ala guide him towards the straight path. Daily, recite a portion of the Qur'an Shareef  in the mornings and evenings and carry out Ta`leem of Fazaa'il-e-Aamaal and Fazaa'il-e-sadaqaat with your family.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
