Reverting to one's old habit in haidh

Q: I am a mazoor due to non stop bleeding for 5-6 months. I stay away for ten days and pray for twenty days.. The time of my regular flow changed and I have to read salah in the time of heavy bleeding.. Most of the time its amount is very small.. Now I am on my medication and a yellowish discharge is happening so the doctor told me that it is not blood.. I talked with wife of an aalim and she told me that it is haidh.. The doctor told me that after 21 days regular heavy flow will happen and 9 days have gone by of 21 days.. I left salah on 28 july and started on 7 july (4days from today).. Now am I mazoor so do I have to pray in the heavy flow days? Do I have to use tissue when praying salah?

A: Revert to your normal habit of haidh and tuhr that you used to experience before this irregular bleeding and calculate your haidh and tuhr accordingly.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
