
Q: Could the Respected Mufti Saheb interpret the following dreams.

Dream 1 - I had this dream that there was an extra place a kind of very huge room in our house. I entered this place and it was very beautiful and looked similar to our extension we added in our house. I was reading Quran and I saw windows and 1 big window had mud outside on the window. I never look outside. Suddenly my father entered and started reading ayatul kursi. Suddenly I looked and saw that this place was leading to another place. I started going into this passage. As I was going I saw a mad boy with his parents they were taking him inside the door on my right. As I continued I then saw a man scolding his wife on my right. Then as I was walking I saw myself come into a beautiful mall. The lights were blue. I was upstairs and could see downstairs. This place was so beautiful. As I walked further I saw some people in front of me I can't remember. I then turned the other way and started to walk. I then had a feeling I was in Madina. I was so happy I started to cry softly.

Dream 2 - I saw My Habib Nabi (Sallalhu Alyhi Wasallem) in my dream. I saw him sitting in a red car . In the passenger seat next to my Nabi (Sallalahu Alyhi Wassalem) was Hazrat Abu Bakar (Radiyalllahuu Anho). My Nabi was talking to me. Because my temperament is such I feel offended very easily and quickly have bad thoughts and believe it. I started feeling bad and while my Nabi was talking I started to sulk and nod my head and while he was talking I walked away. (In my dream I had no clue what he said to me or wanted to say to me).

Dream 3 - I had this dream of my late grandfather. He was not moving and was still. He had a blanket or cloth covering him. His eyelashes were yellow. I was horrified.

Dream 4 - I went skydiving with a beautiful woman I don’t know and there was also a man. When we jumped from the helicopter down we were going very fast down . We had a big black bag on our backs . When we about to take out parachute we realized that it was not a parachute. I don’t remember what happened after that but I know we landed on the beach in one piece no injuries for me yeah. Now i saw the man want to kill me so I saw the same beautiful white woman who was with us take a good looking handgun and shot him and he died . Then I turned and saw the woman dead I was terrified so I grabbed her corpse and threw it in the sea . Now her body was like turning and some times she was like sitting leaning against the waves and she was dead . So the waves were good meaning that she was always on the waves like in sitting and moving she didn’t go on the sand . I saw her facing me and I was thinking she’s so beautiful but what’s the point with a dead one and I was terrified. Whenever the waves took her out into sea her body will come back to move on the waves , I saw she had beautiful brown hair a little use to come on her forehead. I then saw the man alive and I told him without looking at him what I did . Then a big wave with her body come at me but her body just missed me by inches . I then woke up.


1. Fulfil the rights of the servants of Allah Ta'ala and hold onto the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in all facets of your life. Refrain from all areas of doubt and sin.

2. You should love every Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), even though due to Imaani weakness you do not practise it.

3. Make dua for him.

4. Ensure that you observe strict purda with all non-mahrams and protect your eyes, ears, mouth and heart from sins at all times.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

