
Q: A year ago, I had the option of doing something haraam. I was so uncertain because I cared about this person and close to Allah that I didnt know what to do, whether to do something haram, they believed it wasmt haram but my teachings told me it was, I was so confused. One night I had a dream. In the dream a woman spoke to me, she told me she knew I was confused on what to do but I had to do it, I remember proclaiming to her that its haram and she told me its allowed in Islam, she said there's a sect in Islam that isnt sunni or shia but they're allow it. I woke up confused. The dream always played on my mind. A few months later I had a dream again when I stopped doing the thing that was haraam, this time her wrists were cut and she was crying and screaming and saying what did I do.. I had it very often and it played on my mind. It made me really unhappy .. what do these dreams mean ?

A: Refrain from the haraam and worry more about pleasing Allah Ta'ala than any person.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

