
Q: I dreamt that I am in a very luxurious mansion which was still under construction and I was showing my beautiful house to my mother and my sister (who accused me over something very wrong but I didn't react harshly) The house was very well furnished and it was in my thought that we (me and my family) have been shifted over there. I told my mother and sister that the huge portion I'm showing you people is not the complete house, there's another portion of the house of the same size which is under construction and that I don't understand why did the owner sell his such a beautiful house and shifted to a bungalow with only five rooms. My mother and my sister were so surprised to see my awesome house.

Note: When my mother and my sister accused me on a false issue and I reacted normally, the same day I saw this dream.

A: If you are being accused of something which you are not guilty of, then you should clear your name in a dignified and a respectful manner. If you maintain good character and akhlaaq, then Allah Ta'ala will reward you accordingly. The dream indicates towards this.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

