Zakaat on fruit trees, bee hives, solar panels and cattle purchased as an investment

Q: I would like to enquire about a few zakaat issues:

1. How much zakaat needs to be paid on fruit trees, which have been purchased as an investment?

2. How much zakaat needs to be paid on a bee hive, which has been bought as an investment?

3. Is a solar panel, which has been bought as a form of a money making investment, a zakaatable item - and if so: how do I calculate Zakaat on it?

4. How much zakaat needs to be paid on a business venture which entails investing in a cattle feedlot? The money invested goes into purchasing cattle and providing feed for the cattle for 4 months and then selling them off. Investors do not own specific cattle but buy a share of the total cattle.


1. If the trees are to be resold then zakaat is payable on one 40th

2. As above.

3. Yes, if you bought the panels to sell them.

4. Zakaat is fardh with the completion of a lunar year. At the end of the lunar zakaatable year, you will pay one fortieth of the price of the cattle or the monies that came out based on the wealth you have at the end of the year.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)