Secular education for children

Q: Some Ulama say that school grade 1 to 12 is indoctrination where else other's say we must get an education in order to make a living. What's the correct approach regarding education. Must we send our children to school or not as Muslims?

A: This was a statement made by a senior person from the ministry of education in 1994 that it is an indoctrination. The approximate words that he said were that our secular system is designed to create a western secular atheist mindset.

However, we do agree that children have to be educated to be able to take care of themselves. Hence, the onus is on the parents; how are they to educate them without corrupting their minds in the least. Just as they are very particular about their children's health issues, if there is some substance that is contaminated with aids then they will make sure that the child does not go near it because of its disastrous effect.

The same will apply for deeni and spiritual matters. In fact, the material issues are totally insignificant compared to deeni and spiritual concerns.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)