
Q: I have some questions regarding tahajjud.

1. How long before fajr does the time for tahajjud end?

2. What is the sunnah method for performing tahajjud?

3. How do I pray tahajjud during haidh?


1. The time of tahajjud ends with subh saadiq. Subh saadiq is the final time of sehri.

2. Commence with two short rakaats. Then you may perform in pairs of two or four rakaats, preferably up to 8 rakaats.

3. You may make wudhu and do some zikr and masnoon duas. You will not perform any salaah nor will you recite Quraan Shareef in this state.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)