Explanation of how a person who committed suicide will be punished

Q: "Whoever kills himself with a knife will abide in the fire of hell, perpetually stabbing his belly with it, undying therein forever. And whoever hurls himself from a mountain and kills himself shall abide in the fire of hell, perpetually falling to his death, undying therein forever."

I have copied the above from a screenshot from the reliance of the traveler (Shafi’i Fiqh). After resurrection, will any human or jinn die or will they live forever without ever dying? How is this narration understood?

A: What is meant here is the pain and difficulty that is experienced in inflicting the injury will be continuous. As though there is continuous death and life. Just before he can die he comes back again and the same punishment is meted out.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)