Q: What are the sunnat actions of ihraam?
A: The following actions are among the sunnats of ihraam:
1. Donning the ihraam of hajj during the months of hajj.
2. Donning the ihraam of hajj or umrah from the meeqaat of one’s place.
3. Performing wudhu or ghusl before wearing ihraam. However, performing ghusl is more virtuous.
4. Wearing an upper and lower garment.
5. Performing two rakaats Sunnatul Ihraam (unless it is the makrooh time).
6. Reciting talbiyah immediately after making intention for ihraam.
7. Reciting talbiyah audibly for males and softly for females (i.e. in a manner that they are able to hear themselves).
8. To recite the talbiyah in abundance.
9. Applying itr before entering into ihraam.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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