Q: What are the mustahab actions of ihraam?
A: The following actions are the mustahab actions of ihraam:
1. To clip the nails before entering into ihraam (if they need to be clipped).
2. To shave or trim the moustache and remove the unwanted hair before entering into ihraam.
3. When making ghusl before entering into ihraam, then make a specific intention that the ghusl is for entering into ihraam.
4. The ihraam cloth for males should be white in colour and it should be a new cloth or a washed cloth.
5. Making a verbal intention immediately after performing the two rakaats of Salaatul Ihraam while one is still sitting in the place of salaah.
6. Entering into the state of ihraam prior to reaching the meeqaat if one is able to do so and one does not fear committing any violation of ihraam.
7. Having relations with one’s wife (if she is not in the state of haidh) so that after entering into ihraam, one’s mind will be at ease and one will not be tempted towards sin.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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