
Giving one's child for adoption

Q: I have been married for the past fourteen years now and we have no children though all our reports are normal (both of us). My wife's brother has a daughter and he is younger in age, he used to feel bad about this and finally took some strength and spoke to me that they will give birth to a new born and will hand it over to us. His wife is pregnant now. It was agreed between us, him, his family and the family of his wife and they are also very happy to give us the baby, they do not want a new child for themselves as they said we are happy with one child. Is this allowed as per Islam? Now the thing is that his wife is due in this month for delivery and we have no option for the same. But then too please let me know in the light of Islam.


Q: We are planning to adopt my sisters baby boy. Can I put my name after the baby's name for legal documentation purposes e.g. birth certificate, passport. Also is it allowed for my wife to take pills so she could breast feed the baby?


Q: Is it permissible for someone to give away his newborn to his brother or sister if they don't possess a child and the child is to to be adopted forever.

Adopted child

Q: A child has been adopted by a South African Indian family. By what title may he address his adoptive father, mother and grandparents. Is it permissible to teach the child to say abba, ummi, dada, dadi, nana and nani? At what age is it appropriate to inform the child that he is adopted or should we adopt silence in this situation?


Q: My mamu is a US resident and he had applied to adopt us. Everything is done from his side and the court has given it's order too. The problem is with my brother. He wants to stay here due to his friends and doesn't want to go. He argues daily with us and walks away. Can you please tell me any wazifa that can change his mind?

Adopting a child

Q: My elder sister don't have any child due to some medical reasons. My family wants that I give her my child which will be born. Am I allowed to give my child and if yes than what about the father's name? Should he or she be called from original father's name or from my brother in-law's name?

Foster child

Q: A certain child was adopted by foster parents according to the legal procedure and registered under the foster parents name. The foster and real parents don't know each another's identity. The child is now 3 years old. What is the Shar'ee ruling in this case?