cutting hair

Umrah ke ba'd baal Haram me katwana

میرا سوال یہ ہے کہ عمرہ کے بعد بال حدود حرم کے اندر کٹوانا لازمی ہے یا ہم لوگ ادھر جدہ رہتے ہیں تو کیا ہم جدہ آ کے بال کٹوا کے احرام کھول سکتے ہیں؟ ہ میں نے رمضان میں عمرہ کیا میرے علم میں نہیں تھا کہ بال حدود حرم میں کٹوانا لاذم ہے یا یاد نہیں رہا لیکن اتنا پتا تھا کہ بال کٹوا کے احرام کھولنا ہے اور میں نے ایسا ہی کیا. 3 کیا مجھے دم دینا لازمی ہے اور دم یعنی بکرے کے متبادل کچھ کر سکتے ہیں یا بکرا ہی دینا ہے؟ 4اگر ہم نے عمرہ کرنا ہے اور ابھی دم نہیں دیا تو کیا عمرہ کر سکتے ہیں یا پہلے دم دینا لازمی ہے. برائے مہربانی جواب ارسال کیجئے.

Cutting hair and nails during haidh

Q: Please advise regarding the following:

1. Is it permissible to cut nails and hair during menstrual period? Elders say to keep it safe until haidh/nifas period is over and to wash it off after that and to bury it. 

2. Is there any specific dua in Qur'an or hadees to change the husband into obedient slave of Allah (because he is not convinced of Allah's wrath if he commits zina after marriage. He refuses to stop contacts with a Christian lady over social media saying that theirs was and will be pure frienship. But I knew few months back that they committed zina several times and continuing contacts even after she married another guy). I wish Allah will change him one day eventhough I know very well that he is very much addicted to her. It was his main hobby to chat with strange girls and became close to them. He isnt stopping it after our marriage. He isnt serious about life after death. I dont want him to die as a person who committed zina. I love him sincerely eventhough I wished and prayed before nikaah that the person who marry me will be a religious guy who is concious of deen. My family will consider me as a burden if I become a divorcee, even if I struggled alot and have valid reasons to seek divorce.

Uneven haircut

Q: I am a boy. When I go to the barber shop, I ask him to cut my hair short on my sides and the back of my head. But I ask him to keep the front hairs relatively bigger than those at the back. Is it permissible or must all the hairs be cut equal from all sides?