Various masaail of Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Imaam informing the congregation that the salaah has to be repeated

Q: One day I was leading three people in zuhr prayer. In my second last rakaat I felt like something was coming out from my private part. I still continued with the prayer. After I finished I went to the toilet and I found it was mazi. I came back after I washed myself and made wudhu but the people we prayed together with were gone. I don't know where to find them because it was a market where we prayed. I don't know them at all. I then observed the prayer alone again. So what should I do about them?

Informing the congregation to repeat a salaah

Q: One day I was leading three people in asr prayer. In my second last rakaat I felt like something was coming from my private part. I continued with the prayer. After I finished I went to the toilet and I found it was mazi. I came back after I purified myself and I did my ablution but the people we prayed together were gone. I performed the prayer alone again. So what can I do about them?

Should the Imaam terminate the salaah in the case of an earthquake?

Q: If an Imam is leading an obligatory prayer in the Masjid and an earthquake strikes severely, under the Shariah, should he not suspend that salah and ensure for human safety and not show heroism? Taking the cue from the ruling on rains and harsh cold weather and the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s command to stay at home and pray, is earthquake not a bigger calamity?