
Fear to speak to one's parents regarding nikaah

Q: I am 25 (male) from a well-off family and presently pursuing PhD in earth sciences with a decent fellowship but you know the environment here at the university not very pious (there is co-education in the university) and one finds it very difficult to control his emotions. Nikkah seems to be the best solution to prevent oneself in such a dirty environment but the problem is that I am not able to communicate the same to my parents. Now I request you you if you could spent some moments of your precious time to suggest me how to approach my parents for the same. I am ready to marry any girl from any nationality unless she is a pious and practicing Muslim.

Families travelling together


1. I am married, I have a sister in-law and brother in-law, they are also married. We all stay in Saudi as neighbours, so is it permissible that we three families go for umrah together in a big car provided all females are fully covered in burqa?

2. Similarly can we three families go on a picnic trip to various tourist attractions provided all females are covered in burqa but obviously the females can see the men of their family through eye opening of niqab if they don't lower their gaze but males can't. so is it permissible to travel together in this manner?

3. Another situation is if all of the three families travel in their personal car but on reaching the destination they unite,but no casual conversation is there between na mahrams of family, each family just enjoy themselves and have fun,only thing is they all go the place same day for a happiness in their personal vehicles, is it permissible to travel in this manner?

Killing robbers


1- As in this time robbery is common in our society. Some time robbers snatch costly things on gun point. I want to ask what is Islamic teaching about protecting our goods. Does Islam teaches us to resist in this situation from snatching or protecting his/her life is more important? As if one resists before robbers they may harm that person or even kill him.

2- If during robbery one kills robbers is this allowed or not? Will this person be treated a killer in the sight of Islam or during defence this is allowed?