
Delaying Salaah due to illness

Q: During pregnancy I vomit a lot. It makes my Salaah late. Whenever I make wudhu normally, I vomit and I have to take rest and make wudhu again. My question is after vomiting my wudhu breaks? In normal circumstances I know it breaks but what about these continuous vomitings of pregnancy. I don't miss my salaah but this feeling prevails that I am getting late for it. Kindly guide.

Omitting Salaah due to illness

Q: I had an outpatient surgical procedure on my back this morning. Al-Hamdu-Lillah, it went well. However, I was put to sleep for the procedure and am now home. Subban'allah, I was able to pray Salat Fajr early this morning before departing for the hospital - however, I was still in recovery semi conscious when Dhuhr Salah time came and went. I greatly desire to offer Asr, Maagrib and Isha today - however, I am still in tremendous pain from the procedure, am still foggy and not clear headed from the anesthesia and post surgical pain medication I was given (I was in excruciating pain after waking up), am feeling nauseous from the anesthesia - and also wonder how do I make wudu given the fresh wound of the place of the IV is on my hand? Should I try to get in the prayers today under the circumstances, or would it be better to wait until tomorrow when I will be stronger, more clear-headed and in far less pain in order to pray with proper concentration and make up the missed prayers after offering regular Salah at their proper times? I am still dizzy from the medications I was given today and right now am laying down and not in the state of wudu. I'm very concerned and don't know what the right thing to do is.

Foregoing Salaah due to illness

Q: My father is 92 years old and suffered a stroke about a year ago. The stroke left him weak on one side, he is now not able to control his urine and hence he messes himself. So he now wears diapers. My father had been living with my sister and brother in-law until last month. He now lives with me in Cape Town. I have just learnt that my father hasn’t performed any Salaah for the past year. He says he can’t perform any Salaah because he is always in the state of impurity because he messes himself and he has to wear a diaper. What is the Islamic ruling in regard to this matter?

Protection from diseases

Q: I am very worried about my family. Always diseases to all at my home. My mother suffered with cancer. My father got heart attack. After doing bypass surgery he died. I am a 22 year old girl (unmarried). I have piles problem and vaginal internal problem from 6 years. Why is it happening to us?