
Suspending the talaaq

Q: Will the talaaq take place if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that he does. For example, he says "If I watch porn, then my wife is divorced". Then, in the future, if he does watch any porn, will the talaaq take place? Similarly, what is the Shar'ee ruling if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that I do? For example, he says "If you go to your friends house, you will be divorced". If I then at any time in the future go to my friends house, will the talaaq take place?

Suspending the talaaq upon any action

Q: Will the talaaq take place if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that he does. For example, he says "If I do a certain action, then my wife is divorced", then if he does that particular action, will the talaaq take place? Similarly, what is the Shar'ee ruling if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that I do? For example, he says "If you do a certain action, you will be divorced". Through me doing that particular action, will the talaaq take place?