
Doubts about urine drops

Q: Fajr time I came out of washrum offered namaz then when I opened the book to recite surah yasin I felt some warm drops in my private parts. I thought that it was a waswasa and continued but after reciting I checked. There was very little moisture on my thighs and there were drops in my private parts which can be the result of water I used during istinja. I don't understand whether I was in wudhu or not?

Khilaal of the toes

Q: Regarding khilaal of the toes, should one make khilaal of the toes of both feet together after washing both the feet or should one make khilal of the toes of the right foot after washing the right foot and of the left foot after washing the left foot? What is the sunnah method?

Khilaal of the beard


  1. Is Khilal done with only the right hand or both the hand?
  2. Is the khilal done on all three parts of the beard or just on the chin?
  3. Even though the salaah is valid behind a faasiq (shave or trim the beard), is it Mustahab to repeat the salaah prayed?